Monday, November 10, 2014

bellringer 11-10-14

1) His new role is to compromise being that he is democrat and he is working with republicans.

2) Getting things done and being more productive.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bellringer 11-6-14

1) I think that its great that she is the youngest Lawmaker in history.

2) I do have some concerns that she is so young being that she now has to think like a 40 some year old women or man.

3) I don't that it will hinder or help the effectiveness of law making. I think that it will be just as effective even though she is so young. I do have some concerns because she is so young because I don't believe she is a wise as someone who is much older than her.

I believe that Welfare is a great program for the people that need it, but I do believe that there needs to be stricter regulations on it. Welfare was designed for the people that were less fortunate or had a disability and couldn't work. For the people that get welfare because they don't want to work I don't believe that is right, because the people that are employed are working for the ones that aren't, just because they don't want to or its "easier". Some people really do need the extra help and welfare helps them with that, but the regulations on who gets it really needs to be stricter.

Taxes is a huge concern of mine. I don't believe that certain people should have to pay certain amount of taxes based on their income.This it to me is punishing someone for making more money. If there is going to be taxes which I believe we should have, everyone should have to pay the same amount.

I think that the cost of colleges is ridiculous. College is so expensive a lot of young adults don't go. Paying for college wouldn't be such an issue if in high school the schools did a better job of informing the students and parents about all the scholarships and grants out their. A lot of students don't know about these scholarships and end up taking out loans that put them in debt. Another issue that is have is once again if you make a certain amount of money then you cant get some of these grants that students really need. Students should be punished for their parents making more money than some others. They think that if your parents make a certain amount of money then they should be able to help you may for college when really they cant. College is important and it needs to be more affordable so people can continue their education.

I do not believe in the death penalty. There have been to many cases where the found out that the victim has been found not guilty. Also I think a lot of times I believe that they do the death penalty out of revenge. A lot of people think that there is a race issue with the death penalty, I do not believe that because most African Americans are the ones incardinated but some people believe that it is in fact a race issue.

I have never believed in abortion and I understand that people believe in pro choice and women have their rights. But my personal opinion I do not believe in it, most because it is moral thing for me. I think that there are to many options rather than aborting the baby. To many women cant have children and would be very blessed to get one from adoption.

I am a republican for many reason. One of them is I come from a republican family and have always agreed with their views. There are some things that I disagree with from the republican party but the older I get and the more informed it get about politics I believe that I am a republican.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Bellringer 11-5-14

1) Most of the runners that won were republican, and not many but some were women. The elections are important because this allows for new people to come in with new ideas and make changes. It is important for us to vote because if you feel strongly about something or someone that is voting you should put your input in because your vote might make a change.
2) I voted for harsher punishments because if the criminals knows this than they are more than likely to not commit crimes. street lights and police wont have a big as effect. I believe giving the less fortunate or the people that are out of jobs should have some benefits but only if they need them not because they are too lazy to get a job. I believe that transportation is very important and I voted on replacing  the old with the new. I voted for a new program for homeless and neglected dogs to be trained for blind people because this will help the dogs and create jobs. I decided to vote for harsher punishment for students that bring drugs into school because if the students know that they are going to get in trouble than they are more than likely not to bring them in.

Bellringer 11-3-14

1)She believe that It is her life and if she is going to live a miserable life then she should have the option to take it away.

2) Some peoples argument would be that it isn't morally right.

3) I think that if the illness is terminal then they should have the right to take their own life if it is going to be miserable. it isn't illegal to kill yourself so it shouldn't be to do it medically.