Monday, November 10, 2014

bellringer 11-10-14

1) His new role is to compromise being that he is democrat and he is working with republicans.

2) Getting things done and being more productive.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bellringer 11-6-14

1) I think that its great that she is the youngest Lawmaker in history.

2) I do have some concerns that she is so young being that she now has to think like a 40 some year old women or man.

3) I don't that it will hinder or help the effectiveness of law making. I think that it will be just as effective even though she is so young. I do have some concerns because she is so young because I don't believe she is a wise as someone who is much older than her.

I believe that Welfare is a great program for the people that need it, but I do believe that there needs to be stricter regulations on it. Welfare was designed for the people that were less fortunate or had a disability and couldn't work. For the people that get welfare because they don't want to work I don't believe that is right, because the people that are employed are working for the ones that aren't, just because they don't want to or its "easier". Some people really do need the extra help and welfare helps them with that, but the regulations on who gets it really needs to be stricter.

Taxes is a huge concern of mine. I don't believe that certain people should have to pay certain amount of taxes based on their income.This it to me is punishing someone for making more money. If there is going to be taxes which I believe we should have, everyone should have to pay the same amount.

I think that the cost of colleges is ridiculous. College is so expensive a lot of young adults don't go. Paying for college wouldn't be such an issue if in high school the schools did a better job of informing the students and parents about all the scholarships and grants out their. A lot of students don't know about these scholarships and end up taking out loans that put them in debt. Another issue that is have is once again if you make a certain amount of money then you cant get some of these grants that students really need. Students should be punished for their parents making more money than some others. They think that if your parents make a certain amount of money then they should be able to help you may for college when really they cant. College is important and it needs to be more affordable so people can continue their education.

I do not believe in the death penalty. There have been to many cases where the found out that the victim has been found not guilty. Also I think a lot of times I believe that they do the death penalty out of revenge. A lot of people think that there is a race issue with the death penalty, I do not believe that because most African Americans are the ones incardinated but some people believe that it is in fact a race issue.

I have never believed in abortion and I understand that people believe in pro choice and women have their rights. But my personal opinion I do not believe in it, most because it is moral thing for me. I think that there are to many options rather than aborting the baby. To many women cant have children and would be very blessed to get one from adoption.

I am a republican for many reason. One of them is I come from a republican family and have always agreed with their views. There are some things that I disagree with from the republican party but the older I get and the more informed it get about politics I believe that I am a republican.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Bellringer 11-5-14

1) Most of the runners that won were republican, and not many but some were women. The elections are important because this allows for new people to come in with new ideas and make changes. It is important for us to vote because if you feel strongly about something or someone that is voting you should put your input in because your vote might make a change.
2) I voted for harsher punishments because if the criminals knows this than they are more than likely to not commit crimes. street lights and police wont have a big as effect. I believe giving the less fortunate or the people that are out of jobs should have some benefits but only if they need them not because they are too lazy to get a job. I believe that transportation is very important and I voted on replacing  the old with the new. I voted for a new program for homeless and neglected dogs to be trained for blind people because this will help the dogs and create jobs. I decided to vote for harsher punishment for students that bring drugs into school because if the students know that they are going to get in trouble than they are more than likely not to bring them in.

Bellringer 11-3-14

1)She believe that It is her life and if she is going to live a miserable life then she should have the option to take it away.

2) Some peoples argument would be that it isn't morally right.

3) I think that if the illness is terminal then they should have the right to take their own life if it is going to be miserable. it isn't illegal to kill yourself so it shouldn't be to do it medically.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bellringer 10-30-14

1) This article talks about the races and discusses what would have to happen in West Virginia to make it a republican state.

2) I agree.  

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bellringer 10-29-14

1) They didn't have a federal court hearing

2) Yes, I believe that they were correct in the decision that they made, because all of the evidence was there, and they had enough proof to make the decision that they did.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bellringer 10-28-14

1) I think that these laws are insane. Laws are meant to protect our nation and these laws are a joke. I think that passing laws should be taken more serious, because obviously its not or these ridiculous laws wouldn't be passed.

Bellringer 10-27-14

1) Because they sank a ship and killed 300 people.

2) I disagree.

3) No, because if they further the investigation and find out the person was guilty then there wouldn't be anything else for them to do because they already killed the victim.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bellringer 10-15-14

1) They are saying that colleges should look at STEM jobs. They are also saying that jobs will be looking for high- end jobs which will require more education.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bellringer 10-13-14

1) No, not at all am i surprised nothing surprises me anymore.

2) No.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Bellringer 10-10-14

1) The difference is one a doctor does it, and second there is a medical reason on to why they should take there life.

2) I wouldn't take my life because morally  I think its wrong.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bellringer 10-8-14

1) No I'm not surprised by this at all. most women will flirt for a little extra money while waitressing.

2) Maybe give waitresses minimum wage and so they don't have to "work" harder to get what they need.

3) raise the wage.

bellringer 10-6-14

1) To put out there information about there product etc.

2) I'm not surprised at all by this.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Bellringer 10-3-14

1) My inital reaction was stunned.

2) Yes, I belive that there are some violations. I dont think that you should have to pay to live in a certain town. You already paied all your due to live there you shouldnt have to pay additonally.

3) The people will continue to fight about it

1) they are trying to cover up and and retract what they said becasue they ar talking about to different policies.

2) $25 dollar fee, mow grass, show bills

3) I still think that it is ridiculous and what they are doing isnt legally correct.

Bellringer 10-2-14

1) I think that they arent worried is because they're far worse sickness out there that people dont worry about anymore, and Ebola is really hard to catch unlike the the other sickneses.

2) influenza, mealses, norovious, and the flue, and yes they are preventable they are just are easier to catch rather than embola.

3) I dont really have any personal concers becauses they have a cure for it so there is'nt anything to worry about.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bellringer 10-1-14

1) I absolutely do not believe that he should be called with a penalty. You can not punish some one for a religious act.

2) The first

3) Have the person clarify what he or she was doing before you assume and penalize someone for something that they might have not been doing.

Bellringer 9-30-14

1) I think that the judge will look at it a lot differently because its harder to prove that the male is not quality.

2) I think that they will need more facts because it is so easy just to charge a man with rape.

3) Harder because they will need a lot more facts to whether they were actually rapped or not.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Bellringer 9-29-14

Two white students from Africa were accused of racism for painting their faces black to portray  Venus and Serena Williams at a costume party. Social media reaction that mentioned "blackface," which was common in old American minstrel shows featuring white performers as stereotyped black characters. The problem was that the University said that it could cause offense but they didn't want to jump to conclusions  and say that they boys had the intent to offend anymore or be racist.

2) Floridians will have the chance to weigh in on a ballot measure that would ease the homestead tax burden on low-income seniors, while critics warn the measure would put a more financial strain on everyone else or result in cuts to local government services 

3)A police officer witnessed three men pacing in front of a jewelry store and suspected that a robbery was being planned. He approached the men and identified himself, then performed frisks of defendants Chilton and Terry and discovered illegal concealed weapons. Defendants were convicted and appealed, claiming that the frisk violated their Fourth Amendment right against unlawful searches and seizures.
The Supreme Court upheld the conviction, finding that when a law enforcement officer has "reasonable grounds" for suspecting that a criminal suspect may be armed, he may pat down the outer layer of the suspect's clothing for weapons. The ruling held that the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures is not violated when a pat down is performed based on reasonable suspicion for the purpose of ensuring officer safety.


Friday, September 26, 2014

Bellringer/ assigment 9-26-14

1) That other states take their education more seriously than we do.

2) Because a lot of people take a different route than just college degrees.

3) stress that going to college can increase you wages tremendously.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bellringer 9-25-14

1) He is trying to make the point that they are really dangerous and he will go to the extreme to do whatever h has to stop them.

2) 8

Bellringer 9-24-14

1) Yes i agree with the policy it neeeds to be more strick because some people dont wan to risk there health.

2)People might not come because they cant smoke around or at there businesses.

Bellringr 9-23-14

1) becuase they can get information on things that we dont know about.

2) They defently wont respond in a good way. They might end up being even more mad and recat worse becuase some of there people are helping us.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Bellringer 9-22-14

1) No, I absolutely do not think that 16 years have the maturity to vote, I don't even think that some 18 years olds. If I had it my way the age to vote would be 21. My reason for this you are legally matured adult.

2) 21

Bellringer 9-19-14

1) I think that it can help and hamper depending on how you look at the situation. Us going about this terror attack can be dangerous but also with the French now coming together with us some of the French and American families are worried about there loved ones.

Bellringer 9-18-14

1) This article talks about how for the past couple of years we haven't really had to worry about attacks and dangerous things like that and now that we do with this threat how do I fell. It just makers me wonder and realize that we do have to pay attention to things and keep safe.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bellringer 9-16-14

1) Yes, I believe that it was a reasonable punishment. Kids have been spanked for years and I think that is what is wrong with kids now is because they don't get any discipline. 
2) they have changed so much you aren't allowed to do half the things to your kids that you could 20 years ago.

Monday, September 15, 2014

bellringer 9-15-14

1)No, I don't not believe that it is the parents fault when their kid does something tragic when they have a mental illness, hints the fact that its a mental illness and they cant help it or control it. Yes a lot of kids can get medicine and things to help their kids but a lot of the time parents will take their kids to the hospital when something goes wrong and the doctors will look at them and say that nothing is wrong. This is when things go wrong because the children weren't treated when needed. The parents were always there, and they tried to get them help but there is only so much that the parents can do with a kid with a mental illness.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Bellringer 9-12-14

1) I think that they should just keep watching closely on them to make sure the Americans are safe, and if we keep getting threats i think that we should take action to make sure we dont get attacked. This seems to be serious and i think that they should keep very close eye on them.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bellringer 9-9-14

1) Not at all am I surprised everyone is in competition even restaurants.

2) I don't think this will effect American society besides the fact that other restaurants will have to compete with this.

3)I don't think that it is right that it does, but unfortunately I think it does.

4) It would most definitely be Olive Garden and pasta for sure!

Bellringer/ assigemnt 9-8-14

1) Mayer volunteered to go back as spy and many people don't know that. He went to go get valuable information form the allies. They also don't know that he was caught and beaten for days the Gestapo. Mayer was later released by the help of a doctor and saved his life

2) Done.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Bellringer 9-5-14

1) One danger that it can have on the aveage citizin is that it can mess up their phone and make them slower, and they may need to make an important call during this time and they cant becauese their phone is being tapped into

2) I think that they are located by military bases for reason that we dont know, or they dont want us to know

3) Yes, i think that the gov is behind this. It makes it a more easier faster way to hack into our phones.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Bellringer 9-4-14

1) This will have a huge impact on India. They will be on high alert.

2) Because India basically declared war.

3) They should react in a serious way. That was terrorists  threat so it should be taken very seriously, and watch very carefully on India.

Bellringer 9-3-14

1) " He threatened to use his veto power to cut state funding for a special unit in Lehmberg's control  the Office of Public Integrity  if she did not step down after her conviction." So he is basically threatened her with his "power' witch is illegal.

2) I disagree with his reasoning because for me there was no reason to do what he did.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Bellringer 8-29-14

1) I think that it the parents fault to blame. They should not be letting a nine year old kid shoot a gun like that.

2) No, I think that you should be at least 15 to 16 years old to be aloud to shoot a gun at a shooting range. nine years old is way to young. 

3) No, they are obviously to dangerous for kids, and parents should be smart enough to know that.

4) Yes, I think  that some people have the skill to operate one, but only if trained correctly.

2) Finished. 

3) Finished.

Bellringer 8-28-14

To basically to make good laws and obey the duties.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bellringer 8-27-14

1) This article is about a nail polish that can detect the date rape drug. For this nail polish to work you use your finger to stir your drink and if it changes colors than the date rape drug is in your drink

2) No I don't see any drawbacks with this. I think that it is a great product and will reduced date rape.

Bellringer 8-26-14

1) US today said that Monday that flights will provide information on potential strikes in Syria if Obama approves. The White House Pentagon will not give intelligence or discuss detail.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bellringer 8-25-14

1) Around 3:20 a magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit. They said it was the worst temblor to shake the Bay area in 25 years. The after effects could cost up to 100 million dollars. During this massive earthquake 172 people were treated in the hospital, and were also in critical condition. They said that a lot of the downtown businesses will be back up and running. Not many people were hurt in the business and should be able to get it back started. Office of emergency services said that there were 90 to 100 homes and building that were said to be deemed not habitable, but the people in the city are trying to do there best to get things started again. 

2) Some early reports suggested the quake was perhaps provoked by the Franklin Fault, a crack that was thought to be dominate for 1.6 million years.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Bellringer 8-22-14

     I believe that debt is one of the biggest problems in America. The US debt is now equal to 17.075 trillion dollars according to the figures of the treasury department. Some communist blame the government for its "extordinary measures". The treasury department was forced to barrow 400 million dollars in  the beginning of May in. anticipation of an agreement of congress and Obama.
     I have noticed that the government doesn't make a lot of their spending public and the people don't know what their money is being used for. The government and the congress of course spends a lot of money on things that aren't even concerning America.
     America is so far in debt that they don't even know when it will end. We are trillion of dollars in debt and cant afford to barrow anymore money. At the end of FYI of 2014 the total government debt in the untied stated is expected to be about 21.0 trillion dollars!
     The debt in American is not improving it is only getting worse, and no one knows when or of it will get better. Although most global countries are in debt, but debt for them is not necessarily a problem if you have income coming. The US on the other hand does not. Millions of people are without jobs, which is not bringing in income. 
     I think a great solution for this would be only put people on welfare that absolutely need it. A lot of people do need it and that is fine, but a lot of people don't, and that is really hurting the income in America.  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Bellringer 8-21-14


2) I think that the challenge is good, but if done right. I think that it is a good cause but only If the people donate the money and know where to donate to.

3) I don't think that people fully understand the purpose, and where to donate the money or how much to donate.

4) If people understood  that they have to donate money it would make the ice water challenge a lot more effective.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bellringer 8-20-14

1) This article is about the US cooperate taxes and weather they are to high or unfairly utilized. Heather Bresh the CEO of Mylan pharmaceuticals and the daughter of west Virginia senator Joe Manchin recently took advantage of a international loop whole called inversion. Inversion is a tactic in which a US company will invest or purchase a smaller an foreign company to take advantage of the lower foreign cooperate tax rate compared to the US cooperate tax rate.

2) The basic purpose of taxes is to raise money or generate revenue.

3) I don't think that anyone should have to pay "more" taxes. To me that is punishing the people for being smart with there money and or just making more. I strongly believe that everyone should pay the same amount of taxes. For example If someone makes 20,000 dollars year and the tax cut is 2 percent then someone who makes 200,000 should also get a tax cut of 2 percent. This is only fair to make the cut equal. Someone who makes more shouldn't be punished for thier income.


1) I think that the public and the state made to much of it to public to soon. 
2) Yes, I believe so.
3) I think that they should stay out of it and let the upper government and the FBI handle it because it is to far out of control for the city to anything about it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

First blog entry

Dear Jacqueline,
On August 18, 2015 you will be on your way to college to peruse your dream of becoming  a radiology tech. You will be living in Fairmont WV going through the two year radiology program with Pierpont. After completing my schooling  at Fairmont I will further my education by working in a nearby hospital for two years to get more training with ultrasounds etc.

  After your two years of training you will hope to be settled down, working at a stable job, and ready to travel the world. I plan to be very successful by this short period of time. You will keep a focused mind set to accomplish your dreams of becoming what you've always dreamed of. After a couple of years of working you will go back to school and further your education and learn to teach the radiology classes. You will become a life long learner, and take in as much knowledge that you can, and hopefully fill other people with knowledge. August 18th will be the day that you start a new and successful chapter in your life

       Love, Jacqueline