Wednesday, April 8, 2015

bellringer 4-8-15

1) there are companies that are paying over min wage and they are: zappos, ben and jerrys, castco.

bellringer 4-7-15

yes, I agree with the three candidates that they choose. I think that these women did outstanding and memorable things in history.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Bellringer 4-1-15

1) No, I don't think that animals watch movies and it would be a waste of money.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Bellringer 3-30-15

1) I believe that there should be a new regulation that the polities have to take a test showing there mental stability, because they are responsible for so many lives.

bellringer 3-27-15

1) I think that the kid should be able to wear his hair like that because he is honoring his stepbrother who is fighting for our country. I understand that the school policy says that he cant have any unusual haircut, but his is for a good reason, and by telling him he cant is crushing his dream of doing what he wants to do.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

bellringer 3-25-15

1) To reduce the early death rates I would improve the environment  in the community. Early death rates aren't necessarily because people cant buy healthy foods or afford a gym membership but because of the environment that they live in, so improving the communities would help a lot.

Monday, March 23, 2015

bellringer 3-23-15

Yes, I agree with them raising the age to 21. This will help prevent diseases and deaths. Not only does smoking effect the person but the people around them.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Bellringer 3-17-15

1) This article talks about kids being watched on their social media

2) it doesn't because I don't put things on social media that shouldn't be there.

3) I think that there should be privacy to an extent but students do need to be watched.

Bellringer 3-16-15

1) How social media is changing the news.

2) that it engages the audience

3) yes

Monday, March 2, 2015


1) common core standards

2) how are they going to pay for it.

3) Get rid of it because it doesn't test what you actually know. Some people are good at test while others are not.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Bellringer 2-26-15

1) Lena Horne was a signer and actress. From a early age she has ambition to perform. Her family was a average middle class family. Many of her family member went to college and had degrees, but she decided to peruse her career in signing and acting. she performed in clubs, ballrooms, and night clubs. 

2) That all of her family went to college but she decided to do her own thing and sign.  

Bellringer 2/25/15

1) That the government is threating to veto a bill "no child left behind"

2) I think that the no child left behind bill isn't a good idea because if the child isn't ready to move on it would be a disadvantage for them to move onto something more advanced.

3)Because it has to do weather people kids will be effected by this.