Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bellringer 10-30-14

1) This article talks about the races and discusses what would have to happen in West Virginia to make it a republican state.

2) I agree.  

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bellringer 10-29-14

1) They didn't have a federal court hearing

2) Yes, I believe that they were correct in the decision that they made, because all of the evidence was there, and they had enough proof to make the decision that they did.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bellringer 10-28-14

1) I think that these laws are insane. Laws are meant to protect our nation and these laws are a joke. I think that passing laws should be taken more serious, because obviously its not or these ridiculous laws wouldn't be passed.

Bellringer 10-27-14

1) Because they sank a ship and killed 300 people.

2) I disagree.

3) No, because if they further the investigation and find out the person was guilty then there wouldn't be anything else for them to do because they already killed the victim.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bellringer 10-15-14

1) They are saying that colleges should look at STEM jobs. They are also saying that jobs will be looking for high- end jobs which will require more education.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bellringer 10-13-14

1) No, not at all am i surprised nothing surprises me anymore.

2) No.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Bellringer 10-10-14

1) The difference is one a doctor does it, and second there is a medical reason on to why they should take there life.

2) I wouldn't take my life because morally  I think its wrong.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bellringer 10-8-14

1) No I'm not surprised by this at all. most women will flirt for a little extra money while waitressing.

2) Maybe give waitresses minimum wage and so they don't have to "work" harder to get what they need.

3) raise the wage.

bellringer 10-6-14

1) To put out there information about there product etc.

2) I'm not surprised at all by this.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Bellringer 10-3-14

1) My inital reaction was stunned.

2) Yes, I belive that there are some violations. I dont think that you should have to pay to live in a certain town. You already paied all your due to live there you shouldnt have to pay additonally.

3) The people will continue to fight about it

1) they are trying to cover up and and retract what they said becasue they ar talking about to different policies.

2) $25 dollar fee, mow grass, show bills

3) I still think that it is ridiculous and what they are doing isnt legally correct.

Bellringer 10-2-14

1) I think that they arent worried is because they're far worse sickness out there that people dont worry about anymore, and Ebola is really hard to catch unlike the the other sickneses.

2) influenza, mealses, norovious, and the flue, and yes they are preventable they are just are easier to catch rather than embola.

3) I dont really have any personal concers becauses they have a cure for it so there is'nt anything to worry about.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bellringer 10-1-14

1) I absolutely do not believe that he should be called with a penalty. You can not punish some one for a religious act.

2) The first

3) Have the person clarify what he or she was doing before you assume and penalize someone for something that they might have not been doing.

Bellringer 9-30-14

1) I think that the judge will look at it a lot differently because its harder to prove that the male is not quality.

2) I think that they will need more facts because it is so easy just to charge a man with rape.

3) Harder because they will need a lot more facts to whether they were actually rapped or not.